Monday, March 14, 2011

Have no fear, Spring is near!

Very often I here from so many people of how they want spring to come faster because of all the nice weather, blooming nature, and no school. So to all those people, have no fear because spring is most definitely near.
In my opinion, spring is probably the most laziest season of all because it's when the days get a drastic change into a cool, more laid-back type of mood. Combine that with all the school days off and you'll have yourself the laziest, most "chill" season of all.
But I have nothing against spring. I myself am also a lazy person so I love when the weather changes and everything becomes so calm outside. It gives me the sense of relaxation and purification of the mind.
In fact, I wrote this blog to remind myself not to complain, but to rather enjoy the winter while it's still here. Who knows? Maybe in the middle of the hot and dry days of summer I'll be missing the winter.

1 comment:

  1. Spring is truly one of my favorite seasons of the year, and I agree with you, Joon. I can’t wait for it to arrive. Your reasons for loving spring are wonderful, and I am all for the nicer weather and more relaxed atmosphere. I think that combined, they really make for a more laid back lifestyle, as you mentioned. The ultimate reason that I love spring so much, though, is because it marks the start of the baseball season, meaning I can once again break out the Cubs gear and get excited for a promising season (hopefully). I also think that you bring up an interesting point when you say that during the spring and the seventy degree days, you may miss the winter time and the 30 degree days. It’s like how you never really appreciate something until it’s gone, and it’s amazing how we hate winter while it is in progress, but can’t wait for the first snowfall come the following December. Thank you for writing this post, Joon, because most of all, it has made my day, as I now realize, with spring break coming up, rising temperatures, birds chirping, and rains falling, that spring will be here in no time.
